+607-558 4286 isijb@utm.my

>>What we offer

ISI Sustainable Development Program

The ISI Sustainable Development Program (ISI-SDP) is ISI’s approach to ensure a comprehensive understanding of Sustainable Development through contents that include aspects of Environment, Social, and Economy while also exploring considerations of how one aspect could affect another.

The ISI SDP focuses on raising awareness, sharing knowledge that contributes towards capacity building, and providing a standard towards encouraging systematic changes towards achieving Sustainable Development.

With over 

of experience, we are committed to being exceptional in providing knowledge-based solutions to challenges.

Program Objectives


Raising awareness among businesses or organizations on their Sustainable Development performance.


Provide insight and encouragement for businesses or organizations to realign their operations and practices with Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) aspirations.


Provide the basis for businesses and organizations to plan future improvements.


Translating global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into business and organizational application.

Program Offered

Public Awareness

Suitable for participants from sustainability or non-sustainability background.

Sustainability in Practice

Suitable for participants across all levels of discipline and industry

Focused Applications

Customized programs
according to organization’s needs,
niche or request.

Upcoming Program