“We are delighted with the overwhelming success of SusDIA 2024,” said Dr Wan Nurul Mardiah Wan Mohd Rani, Chairperson of the SusDIA 2024 Conference. “The passion, expertise and commitment of the participants underscores the collective determination to drive positive change and create a more sustainable future.”
In his address, the Deputy Secretary-General emphasised the importance of collaboration and innovation in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, as set out in the 12th Malaysia Plans, stating: “Events like this help drive the Ministry of Economic Affairs’ initiatives to achieve the 12th Malaysia Plan. They serve as a catalyst for transformative action. By coming together, sharing knowledge, and fostering innovation, we can overcome the challenges we face and build a more sustainable future for all.”
For more information about the Sustainable Development Innovation and Advancement Conference 2024 and future events, please visit https://susdia.com